Guidelines for Prospective Research Project Students:
Important Reading: Below I have given some guidelines for the B.Tech/M.Sc/M.Tech students applying for research projects under my supervision. The research projects usually take 6-12 months, if done with regular engagement and hard work. Stipends are given based on the availability of funds.
Please check whether you have done the followings before sending your application:
1. If you are a prospective student, I assume that you have a good understanding of Mathematics, Probability, and Statistics (at least up to Bachelor's level), for example, you MUST have studied the topics given in "Mathematics for Machine Learning Book" (Read Online).
2. In addition to that, I would expect you MUST have studied (detailed reading and practicing all the codes by yourself in R or Python) AT LEAST ONE of the following books (standard texts) on Statistical Learning, Forecasting, and Deep Learning:
Statistical Learning:
I. An Introduction to Statistical Learning: Freely Available Online
II. The Elements of Statistical Learning: Freely Available Online
Deep Learning:
I. Deep Learning: Freely Available Online
II. Dive into Deep Learning: Freely Available Here
Time Series Forecasting:
I. Time Series Analysis and Its Applications Book: Freely Available Online
II. Forecasting: Principles and Practice: Freely Available Online
3. It is desirable that you have read AT LEAST ONE of my research papers before applying.
4. Knowing at least one of the programming tools such as RStudio, Python or Matlab is essential. Knowledge of LaTeX is not mandatory but could be a plus.
5. A nicely prepared Academic CV. if you have a publication in a reputed journal or conference (not at all an essential requirement), you will be given an advantage.
Application is OPEN! Deadline: August 31, 2024